Funded Partners
The funded partners are the primary contributors to the project. They lead the work packages and develop concepts, solutions, and operator and business models based on our use cases.

Charité - University Medicine Berlin
The mission of the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH) is a medical translation: findings from biomedical research are translated into new approaches for personalized prediction, prevention, diagnostics, and therapy; inversely, observations in everyday clinical practice lead to new research ideas.
The goal of the approximately 400 scientists is to achieve a relevant medical benefit for patients and citizens. To reach this goal, BIH, as a translational research unit at Charité, establishes a comprehensive translational ecosystem, focuses on a cross-organ understanding of health and disease, and promotes a translational cultural change in biomedical research.
BIH was founded in 2013 and funded 90 %by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and10% by the State of Berlin. The founding institutions Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC) were independent affiliates in BIH until 2020. Since 2021, the BIH was integrated into the Charité as a third pillar, as a translational research area of the Charité; the MDC is a Privileged Partner of the BIH.

Bundesdruckerei GmbH
Bundesdruckerei GmbH is a leading German high-tech security company headquartered in Berlin.
It protects identities and data with innovative solutions, products, and technologies "Made in Germany". In this way, it creates trust and legal security in the digital society - and enables sovereign action by states, companies, and citizens in the analog and digital worlds. As a member of the Bundesdruckerei Group and with over 250 years of experience, the company is paving the way to a secure digital future.

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft for the Promotion of Applied Research e.V.
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the largest organization for applied research in Europe. The research focus of the Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST is the development of technologies, processes, and systems for data-centric business solutions.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS develops interactive systems for everyday work in clinical environments. Fraunhofer supports the development of the dataLOFT data space for the first and second health sectors by developing and extending basic technologies as well as networking architecture layers. In doing so, the conception and realization of the professional use cases are supported by the appropriate integration of information from imaging procedures.

Freie Universität Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin is one of the three full universities in Berlin. It is one of the few German universities to have been successful three times in the Excellence Competition of the German federal and state governments. Since 2019, the FU has received permanent funding as part of the Berlin University Alliance under the Excellence Strategy.
In doing so, it addresses its research in eleven departments and four central institutes in particular on socially relevant topics that are also the subject of successful transfer and translation activities. For years, the FU Berlin has been one of the top German universities with the most science-related start-ups.

Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering GmbH
In the project, the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) is leading the development of the use cases "Personalized Health Services" and "Secondary Use of Data".
Here, citizen-centered applications will be designed, implemented, and scientifically evaluated. HPI is the university competence center for digital engineering in Germany. Together with international partners, HPI establishes applications in Digital Health as its contribution to the digital transformation in healthcare and society. The HPI Digital Health Center - Chair of Personalized Medicine of Prof. Dr. Erwin Böttinger is shaping the future of medicine with pioneering developments for data-driven personalized health services.

International Data Spaces e. V.
The work of the IDSA is guided by the development of the Gaia-X technology stack for data sovereign indexing and linking of data.
The International Data Spaces Association has developed a reference architecture that provides the foundation for data ecosystems and marketplaces based on European values, i.e., privacy and security.
IONOS is the leading European provider of cloud infrastructure, cloud services and hosting services with more than eight and a half million customers.
The product portfolio offers everything companies need to be successful in the cloud: from domains to classic websites and Do-It-Yourself solutions, online marketing tools to full-fledged servers, and an IaaS solution. The offering is aimed at freelancers, professionals, and consumers, as well as enterprise customers with complex IT requirements.

Space Technologies GmbH
Medisana GmbH has been operating in the home healthcare market for 30 years and is now one of the leading specialists in healthcare in Germany.
For around 10 years, Medisana GmbH and its fully owned subsidiary Space Technologies GmbH have been dedicated to “Digital Health” with around 100 employees. In doing so, it develops and sells innovative medical and lifestyle products for the home healthcare market and operates a successful combination of measuring devices, mobile applications, and an online health platform with over 1 million registered customers.

The OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology, founded in 1991 as an affiliated institute of the University of Oldenburg, researches new forms of computer-based information processing in hardware and software systems and implements the results in application-oriented developments.
OFFIS has been working for many years in the field of society with innovative, interactive, technology-based solutions, and systems for a self-determined and healthy life. In this context, suitability for everyday use and applicability from the user's point of view as well as economic efficiency and usability are of particular importance.

polypoly Enterprise GmbH
polypoly is responsible for the implementation of user-centric data access. Outside of the project, polypoly is building a new and revolutionary economic system for data, which especially through its decentralized approach enables the use of data without violating personal rights.
Siemens Healthcare GmbH
As the world's leading medical technology company, Siemens Healthineers offers products and solutions that help physicians, medical staff, and healthcare providers to prevent disease and determine the right diagnosis and treatment for people who are ill.
Every hour, more than 240,000 patients worldwide come into contact with Siemens Healthineers technology. Together with our clinical and academic collaboration partners, we create innovations - through solutions that make diagnoses and therapies faster and more precise and enable personalized medicine.
Siemens Healthineers AG (SHS AG) is the parent company of several businesses. Siemens Healthcare GmbH, as a fully owned subsidiary of SHS AG, comprises the operational business in Germany, with all services that are part of the funding project.

SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH
SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH is one of the leading German system integrators. The company, headquartered in Wiesbaden, Germany, was founded in 1997 and today employs more than 2,000 people at 26 sites in Germany.
In the dataLOFT project, SVA will contribute its expertise in IT consulting, interface definition and setup of IT infrastructures as well as project management. Furthermore, SVA will centrally contribute the platform "medPower", of the 100% subsidiary WZAT (Westdeutsches Zentrum für angewandte Telemedizin).

TMF – Technologie- und Methodenplattform für die vernetzte medizinische Forschung e.V.
The TMF stands for research, networking, and digitization in medicine. It is the umbrella organization for collaborative medical research in Germany, where top researchers exchange knowledge, jointly develop ideas and concepts, and shape the future of medical research in the digital age.

Significo Health GmbH
Significo Health GmbH is one of the leading German providers of data-driven, user-centric solutions for health maintenance. We are an interdisciplinary team convinced that our products put people at the center of healthcare.
We have set out with scientific partners and customers to change today's traditional healthcare system, where people are treated as numbers rather than individuals with unique needs and potential. We want to motivate and empower people to proactively take charge of and positively influence their own health.
"In HEALTH-X dataLOFT, you go from being a simple recipient of services to a determining and active partner. You get sovereignty over your health data and decide what happens to your sensitive data, how it is used and who may use it."
Prof. Dr. Roland Eils

Of course, our website can only provide you a rough insight into the HEALTH-X dataLOFT. If you have any questions about the project, please feel free to contact us at